Safety is Our Top Priority

DSCF2918(big-thmb)All too often we go into a company to discuss their needs and after originally installing their warehouse racking systems, they think everything is done. They don’t focus on maintenance or review of potential safety issues. But we see these issues – current and potential issues.

Warehouse safety is a top priority for us and although it is said by many companies to be so, many companies might not understand potential safety issues with their current warehouse systems. Warehouse safety issues directly affects companies bottom lines. Here are some of the things that happen when there are issues with safety in a warehouse:

– Increased Product Damage
– OSHA violations
– Potential workers compensation claims
– Higher liability insurance

Furthermore, most unsafe warehouse systems are also inefficient – causing you to be losing money with wasted time.

Generally the only time a customer calls us in is when there has been a safety issue already or they have obvious damaged rack. But there’s so much more to ensuring that your warehouse systems are safe – proper anchoring of rack, upright and beam capacities, proper rack bracing, correct layout and size of the racking systems for the product.

Safety is a major concern in today’s warehouses – if you are interested in having us complete a free safety audit in your warehouse and improving your bottom line through safety, call us today at (973) 227-0018 or fill out the More Information form to the left.

