Mezzanine Services

Mezzanine Services 2020-04-14T11:48:49+00:00

Mezzanine Services

A Strongbox Mezzanine can dramatically increase the available floor space in your warehouse. If your business is growing and you’re in need of more space, we will provide you with a full range of mezzanine services, helping you expand your space from start to finish.

Our services include:


Our team of warehouse solution experts will provide you with all the necessary information needed for planning a mezzanine project so you can be fully prepared and know what to expect. When you partner with us we will:

  • Help you determine the right type of mezzanine for the application and the value it can provide, so you’ll have a real idea of the potential ROI
  • Assist with permit applications to determine what permits are necessary
  • Make recommendations for the right lift equipment or conveyors to be used to improve your productivity and space efficiency
  • Give you a budget for the entire project


When we move from the conceptual to the design phase of the project, we’ll examine your operation to determine optimal column spacing, deck heights, floor loads, and safety concerns to come up with the right plan. We’ll ask the right questions, determine your needs, and turn that data into an efficient system that’s right for your business needs.


Once permits have been secured and the design finalized, our professional project management team will coordinate delivery, unloading, installation and testing of the mezzanines for quality assurance. If you prefer to install it yourself, we’ll provide you with the installation instructions and be available to answer any questions or provide assistance along the way. If you already have a mezzanine but need to move it around to maximize flow, we will help you come up with a plan to move any equipment that works with the mezzanine including rack, shelving, lifts, or conveyors.