
How to Build a Smart Warehouse: 3 Reasons You Need New Technology


Logistics and warehousing businesses have always depended on standard controls to ensure safety, maximize efficiency, and maintain profitability. However, in this age of new technology, a transformation is occurring. Technology is disrupting the industry. While some may see this change as an obstacle or a frustrating interruption to their tried-and-true routine, there are undeniable advantages. In general, building a smart warehouse will improve inventory management, customer service, and order fulfillment. Overall, the primary benefits of a smart warehouse are its ability to save company resources, such as time and money, increase overall profits, and raise the satisfaction level of clients and [...]

How to Build a Smart Warehouse: 3 Reasons You Need New Technology 2020-04-27T20:34:58+00:00

5 Ways that Warehouse Technology is Changing the Industry


Warehouse management is, first and foremost, about improvement. Warehouse and distribution centers are constantly on the lookout for ways to evolve. This includes expediting shipping to customers, maximizing space and improving general efficiencies. One way to ensure improvement is to implement new available technologies. Warehouse technology continues to evolve in 2020, changing the expectations of our customers and the entire industry. Today, warehouse managers have a wide variety of new technologies to choose from. As they aim to streamline operations, improve profitability and stay competitive, optimized warehouse operations lead to new opportunities. Let’s take a closer look at the technologies that [...]

5 Ways that Warehouse Technology is Changing the Industry 2020-03-19T19:58:27+00:00

How to Start Your Own Warehousing Business


Entrepreneurs who are looking to start a warehousing business need to do their homework. The industry benefited from a large demand over the past few years. However, being successful in warehousing means understanding all the associated laws, regulations, requirements and responsibilities. When you're just getting started, there is a lot to consider, but we have narrowed down the three most important points to think about first. Three Points to Consider Before Starting a Warehouse Business 1: Your Competition As a booming industry, warehousing has become a very competitive space. When you start, look at the competition in your area to figure [...]

How to Start Your Own Warehousing Business 2020-03-09T13:32:25+00:00

How to Choose the Right Storage Partner For Your Business: Testimonials


As your business grows and you work to optimize your operations, you may need some help. Choosing the right companies to help you improve your business is a crucial part of evolving. For these types of partnerships to thrive, it requires a lot of trust and open communication between the two businesses. Whether you need to outsource HR or accounting to help the bottom line or you need a partner to help you optimize your workspace, trust is key. If your business is growing and you need more space to improve operations, look for a storage partner that can create space, [...]

How to Choose the Right Storage Partner For Your Business: Testimonials 2020-03-02T17:30:32+00:00

What is CET Configura? How This Software Helps Design Warehouses


.To achieve a well-designed warehouse, many storage solution companies use a variety of tools. Along with years of expertise, dedicated staff and the right equipment, proper software has become the most important tool at their disposal. One such piece of software is known as CET Configura. This design software is a state-of-the-art, all-in-one technology for space planning. At Specialized Storage, we use CET Design software by Configura to ensure we are optimizing the available space and increasing the efficiency of our clients' businesses. What is CET Configura? CET Designer by Configura is an all-in-one software solution for space planning and configuration [...]

What is CET Configura? How This Software Helps Design Warehouses 2020-02-25T18:34:29+00:00

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Warehouse Storage Partner


Comparing warehouse storage service partners? Here are some things you’ll definitely want to consider before choosing a vendor. The right warehouse storage layout can lead to more space in your warehouse, improved efficiency and productivity, as well as improved safety standards for your workers. With all of these benefits hanging in the balance, choosing the right professional to ensure success is paramount. Furthermore, if certain aspects of the job go unaddressed or are left are overlooked, your supplies and equipment could be jeopardized. That’s why it’s important to partner with a company you can trust. 3 Things to Look For When [...]

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Warehouse Storage Partner 2020-02-19T17:14:54+00:00

Top 4 Warehouse Safety Hazards & How to Manage Them


Running a business that requires storage at a distribution center or warehouse requires a lot of care and attention. Specifically, you need to ensure the safety of your workers, space, and assets to find success. Managing your inventory, working efficiently, and protecting your staff don't always go hand-in-hand. However, finding the balance between these priorities is the top priority. You can begin to manage all of these goals by hiring and training the managers on your warehouse floor to prioritize safety. There are many hazards associated with warehousing, so proper training for your managers is key. Make sure they know everything [...]

Top 4 Warehouse Safety Hazards & How to Manage Them 2020-01-20T15:36:16+00:00

Pallet Rack Repair: 5 Important FAQs for Warehouse Safety


A pallet rack system for a warehouse is engineered to be a high-performance structure. It is designed to support product loads many times its weight so you can have the most efficient warehouse storage possible. The components of each pallet rack are designed, manufactured, and tested against rigorous quality controls set in place by government-run safety organizations. The standards they put in place ensure that the rack system will safely perform with designed load applications corresponding to specific configurations. However, regular inspection and assessment are required to ensure long-term safety in your warehouse. In cases of damage to a pallet rack, [...]

Pallet Rack Repair: 5 Important FAQs for Warehouse Safety 2020-01-14T17:58:57+00:00

What is a Warehouse Safety Checklist? A Business Owner’s Guide


For businesses that require shipping, storage or any type of warehousing to operate, safety is crucial. Safety procedures guarantee order, which, in turn, yield efficiency and productivity. As a bonus, your workers will have peace of mind and better understand their daily responsibilities. Unfortunately, even with safety procedures, accidents are prone to occur in this environment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is "an average of 16 fatalities yearly in the warehousing and storage industry and an injury and illness rate of 5 out of every 100 staff employed in this sector." These accidents can be avoided by [...]

What is a Warehouse Safety Checklist? A Business Owner’s Guide 2020-01-20T15:32:31+00:00

5 Warehouse Safety Tips to Protect Your Workers & Your Business


If you are running a business that depends on storage, shipping or warehousing, efficiency is likely top of mind. While efficiency and productivity are crucial to success, consider safety first and foremost, as well. A warehouse environment cannot be productive nor efficient without safety protocol. This protocol puts your workers' minds at ease, helping them to work better and smarter. The following warehouse safety tips are important stepping stones to creating streamlined processes at your facility. Tip #1: Comply with mandatory warehouse regulation. There are several regulatory bodies within the United States that work to ensure the safety of laborers in [...]

5 Warehouse Safety Tips to Protect Your Workers & Your Business 2020-01-20T15:32:50+00:00